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Wednesday 15 June 2016

Deadly Mistakes That Kill Your Social Media Strategies

For businesses especially for online businesses, social media plays an important role in promoting their brand. Businesses do their analysis, hire consultants and lots more to utilize the power of social media for their business. However many  times, businesses make a number of deadly mistakes while using social media that stops them from getting success. Read the article to know what are such mistakes and how you can avoid those mistakes to boost your business.

Lack of social sharing buttons

Yes, there may be no doubt in that you are working on different social media platforms to promote your brand among more customers but it doesn’t mean that you do not need to add social media share buttons on your website. Adding WordPress social share plugin to your website makes your content more reachable by allowing your readers to share it with their social networks if they find it worth to share. Adding social sharing buttons can facilitate your users to spread your word which helps in driving more social media referrals and improve social presence of your brand.

Having accounts on all social networks

Having accounts on social media networks to promote your business is must but having an account on all social media platforms that are not necessary from your business point of view is not a good decision. It only leads to a state of confusion. To get expected results you need to be selective. Select social media platforms that are useful from your business point. Analyze your audience, customer, readers where they are  hanging out, what are the social media on which they are mostly online and what is the most preferred social media platform of your targeted audience then select your media networks accordingly.

Irregular posting

The time of posting your content on different social media platforms is very important. One should pay special attention on the timings. Not all of your audience is online on every social media network at the same time. Each social media network has its own peak timings when it drives most engagement. Do a research on the best timing to post on particular social media platform then post your content, so that it should reach out to the maximum audience.

These are the three most deadly mistakes that one should avoid while making social media strategies for business marketing.


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